

We are proud to partner with various organisations from around the world in order to develop collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions to peacebuilding. We are focussed on developing a network of individuals, groups and organisations who are engaged in developing pathways for local-led peacebuilding. If you are interested in partnering with us, then please get in touch

Founder Partners

Our first ten organisations on board the Coalition are Founder Partners, collaboratively helping to drive forward our mission in the early stages of our development. Our Founder Members span Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.

Building Blocks for Peace Foundation


BBFP works towards the achievement of a peaceful society through advocacy, dialogue, education, training, workshop, radio/tv programming and community sensitisation.

Centre for Human Rights and Governance

Goma Kyeshero, Democratic Republic of Congo

The Centre’s mission is promoting human rights, governance and peace education that promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help people either to prevent the occurrence of conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully, or create social conditions conducive to peace.

Denis Miki Foundation

Limbe, Cameroon

Denis Miki Foundation (DMF) is a humanitarian and development organization working to reduce poverty by running community empowerment programs and solutions like Impact Accelerator Hub and Efeti Ventures Inc. DMF supports the development of underdeveloped communities and groups through capacity building, education for sustainable development, health, peacebuilding, creativity, wealth creation, policy advocacy and activism for peaceful and sustainable communities.

Foundation for Peacebuilding and Democracy Inc.

Monrovia, Liberia

FOPAD’s mission is to transform young people through dialogue and education for the attainment of integrity moral uprightness; and to also initiate and design strategic opportunities for progressive and productive purposes.

Global Initiative for Environment & Reconciliation

Kigali , Rwanda

The mission of GER is to contribute to Peace Building, conflict transformation and ecosystem management for a peaceful and sustainable community with the full inclusion and participation of children and adults.

Humanist Watch Salone

Kenema, Sierra Leone

Founded in 2003, HUWASAL strives towards the achievement of durable peace and sustainable development through collaborative approaches with the active participation of the marginalized populace such as women, children, youths, physically disadvantaged and people living with HIV/AIDS in the society.

Peace & Development Outreach Volunteers Inc.

Voinjama, Liberia

Building a culture of peaceful society wherein all people’s rights and dignity are respected and providing affordable opportunities to marginalized groups through training and community empowerment.

Rwanda Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peace Building

Kigali, Rwanda

The Institute aims at creating a culture of peace in schools and communities, to initiate a youth platform to discuss topics such as peace violence prevention, and to spread a culture of peace and reconciliation in their schools and community and enhancing existing peace strategies and initiatives.

West African Youth Network

Freetown, Sierra Leone 

To serve as a primary catalyst for enhancing youth participation in issues relating to governance, human rights and peacebuilding in the region.

Young Peace Builders

Freetown and Makeni, Sierra Leone

Young Peace Builders seeks to pioneer peace and development by creating a supportive environment for the survival and development of communities by encouraging local initiatives for community developments, empowering young people in volunteerism and linking up their initiatives for peace to help increase the effectiveness of their actions.


Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development

Abuja and Northern States in Nigeria and more broadly in Africa

CEPASD Africa is non governmental organization in Nigeria with focus on peacebuilding, Violent Extremism Prevention, Gender Based Violence, and leadership and SDGs